Exploring the Benefits of Restumping and Blocking

Restumping involves raising a house on jack stands, replacing its old stumps, and levelling its floors – an activity undertaken to prevent structural damage and increase value if ever sold.

Restumping costs vary based on the size and number of stumps to be replaced on any particular property, while it can also be disruptive for residents and their neighbours alike.

Structural Strength

Structural strength of buildings is an integral factor in their ability to withstand their own weight, so its structural integrity must remain undamaged in order for homes to continue standing strong and standing strong over time. If this strength becomes insufficient, excessive wear-and-tear or even collapse may occur – therefore restumping and reblocking may be required in order to keep their home standing strong.

Restumping can make both your house safe and stable as well as improve its aesthetics, by eliminating unsightly bumps and dents on the floor and creating more spacious rooms. Furthermore, restumping can significantly increase its resale value.

Cost of reblocking depends on the size and height of your house. Professional restumping contractors will assess soil quality before providing an estimated quote, making sure stumps are set securely into their bases to minimise wear-and-tear on foundation. Furthermore, they might suggest opting for concrete or galvanised steel stumps over wood as these options tend to be more resilient against humidity and termites.

Damaged or decaying stumps can create numerous issues for homes and buildings alike, from weak foundations and collapsed structures, to safety risks due to misaligning doors and windows, so it’s wise to consult a restumping contractor as soon as you detect these symptoms.

Restumping is also essential before beginning a major renovation, to prevent its structures from collapsing in the future and save you money in repairs over time. Furthermore, restumping will provide your family with a healthier and more comfortable living environment.


Restumping and reblocking can increase the resilience of a building by replacing old timber stumps with concrete ones that last longer and resist termites better, levelling floors, crooked door frames or windows more effectively and leveling them all out.

Resilience can be defined as the ability to respond positively to life’s challenges, making an integral component of wellbeing and linked with feelings of autonomy, mastery and vitality. Resilience also tends toward eudaimonic well-being – that sense of fulfillment in life that comes from reaching personal goals – with its prevalence being associated with feelings of autonomy, mastery and vitality as well as feelings of autonomy, mastery and vitality.

People can strengthen their resilience through positive emotions such as joy and gratitude, as well as by focusing on events they can influence. For instance, when traffic is holding you up on your way to work, instead of getting frustrated at drivers around you you could opt to listen to music while contemplating ideas for your next project – the latter would deplete resilience while the former will build it.

Organisations can strengthen their resilience through inclusive governance structures, open dialogue and global ethos. Furthermore, strengthening foresight capabilities through scenario planning and stress testing is another effective strategy that can help organizations manage disruptions more effectively while making more informed decisions during crisis situations.

Psychological resilience can be increased by decreasing stress levels, learning how to cope with negative emotions, and receiving support from family and friends. Furthermore, developing a healthy sleep pattern and exercising regularly are both key components in increasing resilience. In fact, getting sufficient restful sleep and regular physical activity both play key roles in relaxing the mind as well as strengthening immunity – two vital components.

Termite Resistance

Termites pose a serious threat to wooden structures in homes, such as support beams, decks, fences, gazebos and gazebos. Their bite can cause significant damage quickly – restumping with materials resistant to termite damage is key in helping stop their destruction!

UF scientists are exploring ways to build termite resistance into homes and commercial buildings, using wood species less attractive to termites as well as exploring innovative construction materials like heartwood from certain tree species that contains “allelochemicals” that serve as repellants or toxicants against termites.

There are a range of products available that can help create a barrier against subterranean termites, including metal, pressure-treated lumber and plastic. Some are treated with chemicals to emit scents which deter termites, while others contain antifungal properties which inhibit their ability to grow. Some barriers are effective at reducing pesticide treatments which can be costly and risky to the environment.

Concrete masonry foundations may reduce termite damage. University of Florida researchers are working with contractors to incorporate termite-resistant building techniques into new home design and construction; although not entirely foolproof, these approaches may reduce pesticide needs and offer some protection from Formosan subterranean termites.

Other effective strategies to lower the chances of termite infestation include eliminating standing water near wood structures and minimizing soil contact with foundation walls, installing vents in crawl spaces underneath houses, and sloping exterior grades away from any wood structures.


Reliability refers to the degree to which a test score or other measurement can be expected to recur with high degrees of accuracy, an important aspect when assessing validity and results from different tests. Reliability depends on several factors including environment, type of test administered and how it’s being completed – among them being: environment, test type administered, administration methods employed as well as how results will be displayed on screen.

Restumping projects tend to be more reliable than simply resurfacing or concreting an area, as the process involves jacking up floor joists, removing old stumps, and installing new ones made of either concrete or galvanised steel which are much stronger than wooden stumps – this provides great strength increases to the home over time with these lasting concrete or steel replacements lasting years after installation.

Before making the decision to restump your house, it is advisable to seek professional advice. Doing so can save both time and money as it protects both its reliability and its worthiness for use. When hiring contractors it is also wise to get references from past clients as well as check their license.

Restumping can raise your house above flood level, relieving you of worries regarding flooding and potentially saving on insurance premiums for your house. Furthermore, restumping creates more space within your home which makes work and play activities more convenient – plus use this opportunity to build a shed, pool or garden!


Restumping can restore a house to its structural stability, making living conditions safer without bumps and dents on floors or worries about collapse. Restumping also increases energy efficiency and resale value of your property.

Costs associated with restumping and blocking a building may differ significantly, but their investment can save time, money and hassle down the line. Planning ahead by restumping prior to starting any major renovation will make your life much simpler during renovation process – plus it makes working around house easier during restoration!

Restumping involves lifting the house higher, then replacing old stumps with concrete ones that are more resilient and long-term than timber ones. You could also replace any strip footings that may have become weak over time with more resilient concrete ones that protect against ground movement and termites; during reblocking you could level out any uneven floors or doors as part of this process.

Restumping costs vary based on several factors, including your location in Australia and size of house (how many stumps require replacement?). Other variables that could impact this cost include type (concrete or timber), state of existing bearers and joists as well as whether multiple quotes should be obtained to compare costs effectively. It is wise to get multiple estimates before hiring any company as this will give an indication of average costs and help narrow your options down further.

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